What are Evacuation Procedures?

Evacuation procedures are a set of steps and instructions that outline how to safely leave a building or an area in an emergency situation, such as a fire, natural disaster, or a security threat.

The goal of having evacuation procedures is to ensure the safe and efficient movement of people from a building or an area to a designated safe location.

These procedures typically include information on exits, designated evacuation routes, assembly points, communication methods and having a procedure for people to follow once the evacuation is complete. Depending on the type of emergency, the procedures may also involve shutting off utilities or locking certain doors or entrances.

Evacuation Equipment

Typically, in a medical emergency, the goal of evacuation is to safely and quickly remove the victim to a place where he or she can receive medical care and attention or at the least, continue their medical care safely.

It is important to familiarize yourself with any evacuation procedures in place at a building or location you are visiting or staying in. For a hospital, the management has to have evacuation equipment to safely remove patients in the event of an emergency e.g. a fire. as well as staff and visitors.

Typical steps in an Evacuation Procedure

Here are the general evacuation procedures for a medical emergency in Nigeria:

  • Call for emergency medical services (112 or that of your state).
  • Check for immediate danger and assess the situation.
  • If the person is conscious and able to walk, guide them to a safe area or outside the building.
  • If the person is unconscious or unable to walk, carefully carry or move them to a safe area using appropriate evacuation equipment like mats, mattresses or sheets.
  • Wait for emergency medical services to arrive and follow their instructions.
  • If necessary, perform CPR or other first aid measures as instructed by emergency medical services or trained personnel.
  • If there is a large-scale medical emergency, follow the building’s evacuation procedures and move to the designated assembly point.

Note: These procedures may vary depending on the type of emergency, the location, and the building’s specific protocols. It is important to familiarize yourself with the evacuation procedures in your workplace or community.

What Evacuation Equipment Do You Use In Your Building?

Talk to us today on 08177321761 or contact us to schedule a demo with any of our TETCON evacuation equipment. Let’s see how we can be of service to you.

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