10 Reasons You Need an Evacuation Mat in Your Workplace

    Emergencies such as fires, earthquakes, or even power outages can make elevators unusable. Evacuation Mats enable staff to transport individuals with mobility issues down stairways or through narrow passages quickly and safely.

      A significant portion of the workforce includes people with disabilities or temporary mobility impairments (due to injury or illness). An Evacuation Mat ensures these individuals can evacuate just as quickly as their colleagues, fostering a safer and more inclusive environment.

        Without proper equipment, lifting or carrying individuals during an emergency can lead to further injuries for both the evacuee and the rescuer. An Evacuation Mat minimizes strain on rescuers, ensuring a more secure and comfortable process.

          Evacuation Mats are designed for easy deployment, even by individuals with minimal training. With clear instructions and simple mechanisms, these mats can be used in seconds, making them ideal for fast-paced, high-stress emergencies.

            Evacuation Mats offer an affordable way to increase workplace safety compared to other emergency evacuation solutions. They require minimal maintenance and provide long-term value by reducing the risk of legal liabilities in accidents.

              Evacuation Mats are not limited to healthcare facilities—they are perfect for offices, schools, hotels, and factories. Their versatility makes them an essential safety tool for any environment with people at risk of needing assistance during emergencies.

                Many regions have strict health and safety laws that require businesses to have evacuation plans for all occupants, including those with mobility issues. Installing Evacuation Mats ensures your workplace is compliant with these regulations, avoiding potential fines or legal challenges.

                  Unlike bulky evacuation chairs or stretchers, Evacuation Mats are lightweight and stored in small spaces. They can be mounted on walls or placed in easily accessible areas, ready for use immediately.

                    While some emergency devices require extensive training, Evacuation Mats are easy to use. A simple training session is enough for most employees to feel confident deploying the mat and assisting in an evacuation.

                      Knowing that your workplace can handle emergencies gives peace of mind to both employees and management. In the event of a crisis, you’ll be prepared to ensure the safety of everyone, including those with special evacuation needs.


                      An Evacuation Mat is more than just a safety tool—it’s a necessity in today’s diverse workplaces. As a distributor of TETCON Evacuation Mats, Emergency Management by Levande is proud to offer a reliable solution that protects lives and promotes inclusivity. Make the responsible choice and equip your workplace with an Evacuation Mat today!

                      For more information on how to get Evacuation Mats for your workplace, contact Levande Healthcare, your trusted safety partner.

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